L’Università di León ha appena lanciato un nuovo pacchetto di materie insegnate in lingua inglese per il prossimo semestre autunnale, che va da settembre 2024 a febbraio 2025. Queste materie fanno parte del Master in Responsible Consumption and Production, ma sono aperte anche agli studenti e alle studentesse Erasmus.
Il pacchetto comprende una varietà di argomenti provenienti da diverse discipline, tra cui Economia, Marketing, Giurisprudenza e Informatica. Di seguito si riportano gli argomenti, i contenuti e la durata di ciascun corso.
International Responsible Consumption and Statistics. 6 ECTS
Areas: Applied Economics. Quantitative Methods
Description: Theoretical and practical foundations of the Green Economy, Sharing Economy and Circular Economy. Analysis of the role and behaviour of consumers in different social systems. Effects of the consumer society on sustainable human development.
Consumer profiles: lifestyles and psychosocial processes. 6 ECTS
Areas: Marketing and Market Research
Description: Analysis of consumer decision-making process. Heterogeneity of consumption practices according to socio-economic groups: analysis of the lifestyles of these groups and the conditioning factors (structural, psychological, social, emotional…) that underpin demand. Current meaning of the concept of lifestyle. Alternative marketing strategies according to consumer profiles.
Consumer law and consumer protection. 6 ECTS
Areas: Civil Law
Description: Basic concepts and general regulatory frameworks of consumer law and consumer protection. Contracts and liability. Types of institutions available for consumer protection (judicial and extrajudicial) in different international spheres. Alternative systems of Contract Law. International business law.
Sustainable oriented innovation and social entrepreneurship. 6 ECTS
Areas: Business organization
Description: Building of sustainable disruptive innovations focused on the production process. Prototypes of social innovations. Business plans and development of sustainable business models.
Artificial intelligence applied to e-commerce. 6 ECTS
Areas: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence – Systems Engineering and Automatics
Description: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (expert systems, neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, data mining, text mining, web mining, fuzzy logic) and its application to e-commerce, production and responsible consumption (cybersecurity, predictions, after-sales service, reviews…).