Erasmus+ outgoing students

Students can study or complete a traineeship in any of the EU’s member states as well as other participating nations, including the three EU candidate countries and the European Economic Area, through the EU’s Erasmus+ program for education, training, youth, and sport. Through this experience, students can earn CFUs with the assurance that their overseas activities will be acknowledged.

The Erasmus+ program offers two types of mobility: for study (exams or thesis) and for work placement (thesis, curricular or postgraduate work placement).

University of Pisa students enrolled in:

  • Bachelor and Master courses
  • doctoral schools
  • I and II level Master’s courses

Students must meet the following requirements by the deadline indicated in the call for applications:

  • be enrolled at the University of Pisa;
  • be in good standing with the payment of all tuition fees, including any extras;
  • be in possession of the specific participation requirements, differentiated by department, indicated in Appendix 1 of the Notice, which is an integral part of this Notice.

Every year, between February and March, the University of Pisa publishes its Erasmus Call for Applications, with a deadline by which students must apply. The application at the first opening of the call allows students to choose mobility for: the first semester, the second semester or the entire academic year.

Then, between September and October, there is a second call for applications. At this stage, the remaining destinations are entered so that students can leave in the second semester.

The call for applications and the application form are available on the Erasmus Mobility Portal of the University of Pisa.

After submitting the application, students must wait for the publication of the ranking list, which can be found in the news section of the Department of Political Science.

The Erasmus+ program offers the possibility for each student to receive an EU contribution and additional contributions for the period of mobility. More details can be found in the section “Erasmus Community Mobility Grant and Supplementary Contributions” within the Call for Proposals.

Erasmus Call 2023: Erasmus Call – KA131 for student mobility


For studies (exams or thesis)

The choice of the Erasmus + study destination should be considered after evaluating the educational offer of each foreign university, which can be accessed through the websites of the institutions. The complete list of foreign universities and available places can be found on the Erasmus mobility page, in the section dedicated to study destinations.

The mobility period varies from a minimum of two months to a maximum of 12 months for each study cycle (bachelor, master, doctorate).

For paperwork and filling in the necessary forms, it is necessary to contact the CAI assistant, Dr. Chiara Memmola, who will provide assistance and detailed information.

For the internship (thesis or curricular or postgraduate internship)

In order to participate in ERASMUS + for Traineeships, the student(s) must independently identify an institution that meets the requirements outlined in the “Mobility for Traineeships” section of the Call for Applications.

Students enrolled in an undergraduate program must have earned at least 60 CFUs to be eligible for Traineeship Mobility.

The application must be accompanied by the Traineeship Proposal Form, signed by the head of the host institution and then by the CAI of the Department of Political Science, Prof. Francesco Tamburini.

Traineeship mobility is also open to graduate students, provided that the application is submitted before the graduation discussion and that the traineeship period ends within one year from the date of graduation.

For the paperwork and filling in the necessary forms, it is necessary to contact the CAI assistant, Dr.Chiara Memmola, who will provide assistance and detailed information.

Erasmus news


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